Wednesday 26 December 2012

And it’s hard to explain why I could never describe my love for you


Mawlaya salli wa sallim da'iman abadan
'Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da'iman abadan
'Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
Ya Rabbee salli 'aleeh
Salawatu Allahi 'aleeh

All the poetry ever written
Every verse and every line
All the love songs in the world
Every melody and rhyme
If they were combined
They would still be unable to express
What I want to define
When I try to describe my love for you


Every sound and every voice
In every language ever heard
Each drop of ink that has been used
To write every single word
They could never portray
Everything I feel in my heart and want to say

And it’s hard to explain

Why I could never describe my love for you


There's not a single person
Who can ever match his worth
In character and beauty
To ever walk on earth
I envy every rock and tree
And every grain of sand
That embraced his noble feet
Or that kissed his blessed hands

Ya Rasool Allah
Ya Habiba Allah
Grant us the chance to be with him
We pray to You Allah

*lap air mata*

Tegakkan syariah, hidupkan sunnah, sebarkan mahabbah.

Aku jadi teringat akan manifesto salah seorang calon AJKT ikhwah bagi pilihanraya tempoh hari. (sudah menang pun. tahniah saudara) 

"Mahabbatul Rasulillah, Teras Biah Solehah." 

InshaAllah. semoga kecintaan kepada Rasulullah, sunnah-sunnah baginda dapat dihidupkan di bumi Mansurah ini. Subhanallah, alangkah indahnya.. 

Aduh, sedang duk hafal perbezaan schistosoma haematobium, mansoni & japonicum, entah bagaimana pula ter-triggered untuk menge-post. terkesan akan bait liriknya, sungguh :')

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