Tuesday 24 September 2013

For every hardship, there is a hidden blessing.

Cliche much?
but sometimes cliche speaks a truth.
to experience it, is one of the beautiful struggle.


should cut that sigh though.

"Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?" (Al-Ankabut, 29:2)

that moment when you think you are alone, in this path

that moment when you think everything is against you, and your will
that moment when you think you wish nothing more, than to quit

remember just remember,
He is there, always.always waiting patiently for you,
to come, to reach Him.

He is indeed, Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim,
Allah is more loving, than the love of a mother, to her child
Allah is happier, than a man who has found his lost belongings, in a hot dessert; each time we approach Him

mashaAllah. subhanallah!

sepuluh langkah kudekat padaMu, seribu langkah Kau berlari padaku.

aku ingin tenggelam dalam cintaMu ya Allah..
hapuskan segala keinginan dunia dari hatiku
dunia yang cuma sebesar sebelah sayap nyamuk 
bahkan lebih rendah nilainya disisiMu Tuhan.

"Sometimes, you just need a little time to yourself with Quran in your hand, and tears in your eyes." :')

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